
P.zza Flaminia, 7
25019 Sirmione/Brescia

Other Brescia hotels


hotel front

Build in 1888, the Catullo hotel is one of the most ancient hotels in Srimione. Its name cames from the famous Roman poet who spent part of his life in Sirmione.

The hotel boasts 57 rooms equipped with a bathroom, satellite TV, telephone, and air conditioning. Guests can relax in a splendid garden or on a wonderful terrace with solarium overlooking Lake Garda.

The hotel accepts major credit cards.

Prices at a Glance


double B&B 16/05 -10/06 (room rate) 95 109
double B&B 11/06 -10/08 (room rate) 105 120
double B&B 11/08 - 15/09 (room rate) 110 126
double B&B 16/09 - 30/09 (room rate) 105 120
double B&B 01/10 - 15/10 (room rate) 100 114
double B&B 16/10 - 04/11 (room rate) 95 109

The USD daily rates fluctuate according to the EURO rate of exchange.


The hotel is situated in the center of Sirmione, 35 km away from Brescia.

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